Flexo's Associations
The leading trade association for the cleaning industry worldwide, ISSA has a membership that includes more than 7,000 distributor, manufacturer, manufacturer representative, building service contractor, in-house service provider, and associated service members. ISSA helps its members and their employees make valuable contacts through the industry’s largest cleaning shows.
The Canadian Sanitation Supply Association is a non-profit corporation, established in 1957 and registered under the Canada Corporation Act. The association promotes a greater public awareness and understanding of sanitary maintenance principles, while contributing to improved public health and environmental awareness in Canada.
The goal of this organization is to bring together business leaders who are ready to help position Niagara’s economy for the 21st Century. Members have established a set of by-laws, core values, mission, vision and goals as a means to set in motion the creation of a powerful new business organization in Niagara.
Balpex is a not-for-profit collective buying group for independent Canadian distributors. In operation since 1973, and today have 50+ members. Their mission is to create a healthy economic environment for entrepreneurs in the distribution sector, and to foster growth with programs, tools and advice.
Niagara Falls Tourism Association is the official tourism marketing organization of the Community, responsible for developing public and private sector programs that produce incremental visitor business resulting in economic development returns for the City, its residents and the business community.